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Plugins Reference

This section details configuration settings for the Gradle and Maven Ignition SDK plugins. If you created your project using a plugin, most of these settings will already be configured for you.

The Ignition Module Plugin for Gradle lets module developers use the Gradle build tool to create and sign functional modules through a convenient DSL-based configuration model.

This plugin is applied to a single project (the 'root' of the module) that may or may not have child projects. When the plugin is applied, it will attempt to identify if the root or any subprojects apply the java-library plugin. For each that does, it will add the modlApi and modlImplementation configurations so that they may be used in the project's dependency settings. In addition, it will create the asset collection tasks and bind them to the _ assemble_ lifecycle tasks, and ultimately establish task dependencies for the 'root-specific' tasks that create the module xml, copy files into the appropriate structure, zip the folder into an unsigned modl file, sign it, and report the result.


To apply the plugin to an existing project, follow the instructions on the plugin's Gradle Plugin Repo Page, and then configure as described below.

Apply the plugin

Apply the plugin to a build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file. In the case of a multi-project build, apply to the root or parent project.


You should only apply the plugin to a single parent project in a multi-scope structure (e.g., one where you have separate source directories for gateway and designer code, for instance). If you have questions about structure, use the module generator to create well-structured examples.

For current versions of gradle, add to your build.gradle.kts:

// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("io.ia.sdk.modl") version("0.1.1")

Or for Groovy DSL buildscripts:

// build.gradle
plugins {
id 'io.ia.sdk.modl' version '0.1.1'

Configure the module

Configure your module through the ignitionModule configuration DSL. See DSL properties section below for details.

Choosing which Configuration to apply may have important but subtle impacts on your module, as well as your development/build environment. In general, the following rule of thumb is a good starting point:

ConfigurationUsage SuggestionIncluded in Module?Includes Transitive Dependencies In Module?Exposes Transitive Dependencies to Artifact Consumers?
compileOnlyUse for 'compile time only' dependencies, including ignition sdk dependencies. Similar to maven 'provided'.NoNoNo
compileOnlyApiUse for 'compile time only' dependencies, including ignition sdk dependencies. Similar to maven 'provided'.NoNoNo
apiProject dependencies that do not explicitly get registered in the module DSL project scopes.NoNoYes
implementationProject dependencies that do not explicitly get registered in the module DSL project scopes.NoNoNo
modlImplementationDependencies that are used in a module project's implementation, but are not part of a public API.YesYesNo
modlApiDependencies that are used in a module project and are exposed to dependents.YesYesYes

ignitionModule DSL Properties

Configuration for a module occurs through the ignitionModule extension DSL. See the source code ModuleSettings.kt for all options and descriptions. Example configuration in a groovy buildscript:

Groovy example
ignitionModule {
* Human readable name of the module, as will be displayed on the gateway status page
name = "Starlink Driver"

* Name of the '.modl' file to be created, without file extension.
fileName = "starlink-driver"
* Unique identifier for the module. Reverse domain convention is recommended (e.g.: com.mycompany.charting-module)
id = "net.starlink.driver"

moduleVersion = version // common to refer to the version of the gradle project like this

moduleDescription = "A short sentence describing what it does, but not much longer than this."
* Minimum version of Ignition required for the module to function correctly. This typically won't change over
* the course of a major Ignition (7.9, 8.0, etc) version, except for when the Ignition Platform adds/changes APIs
* used by the module.
requiredIgnitionVersion = "8.0.10"
* This is a map of String: String, where the 'key' represents the fully qualified path to the project
* (using colon-separated gradle project path syntax), and the value is the shorthand Scope string.
* Example entry: [ ":gateway": "G", ":common": "GC", ":vision-client": "C" ]
projectScopes = [
":gateway" : "G"

* Add your module dependencies here, following the examples, with scope being one or more of G, C or D,
* for (G)ateway, (D)esigner, Vision (C)lient.
* Example Value:
* moduleDependencies = [
"com.inductiveautomation.opcua": "G"
* ]
moduleDependencies = [ : ] // syntax for initializing an empty map in groovy

* Map of fully qualified hook class to the shorthand scope. Only one scope per hook class.
* Example entry: "com.myorganization.vectorizer.VectorizerDesignerHook": "D"
hooks = [
"net.starlink.driver.gateway.GatewayHook": "G"

* Optional map of arbitrary String to String entries. These will make it into the final _buildResult.json_, but
* are otherwise unused and have no impact on the module itself. These values may be useful for adding data to
* used by consumers of this build's output. For instance: CI and publication systems, integrity checking, etc.
metaInfo.put("someKey", "Some arbitrary value useful to later use")
metaInfo.put("publicationUrl", "")

Configuring in a kotlin buildscript is similar, except that you'll want to use the appropriate set() methods. Here is an example:

Kotlin example
ignitionModule {
* Human readable name of the module, as will be displayed on the gateway status page
name.set("Starlink Driver")

* Name of the '.modl' file to be created, without file extension.
* Unique identifier for the module. Reverse domain convention is recommended (e.g.: com.mycompany.charting-module)

* Version of the module. Here being set to the same version that gradle uses, up above in this file.

moduleDescription.set("A short sentence describing what it does, but not much longer than this.")

* Minimum version of Ignition required for the module to function correctly. This typically won't change over
* the course of a major Ignition (7.9, 8.0, etc) version, except for when the Ignition Platform adds/changes APIs
* used by the module.
* This is a map of String: String, where the 'key' represents the fully qualified path to the project
* (using gradle path syntax), and the value is the shorthand Scope string.
* Example entry: listOf( ":gateway" to "G", ":common" to "GC", ":vision-client" to "C" )
":gateway" to "G"

* Add your module dependencies here, following the examples, with scope being one or more of G, C or D,
* for (G)ateway, (D)esigner, Vision (C)lient.
* Example:
* moduleDependencies = mapOf(
* "" to "CD",
* "com.inductiveautomation.opcua" to "G"
* )
moduleDependencies.set(mapOf<String, String>(
"com.inductiveautomation.opcua" to "G"

* Map of fully qualified hook class to the shorthand scope. Only one scope may apply to a class, and each scope
* must have no more than single class registered. You may omit scope registrations if they do not apply.
* Example entry: "com.myorganization.vectorizer.VectorizerDesignerHook" to "D"
"net.starlink.driver.gateway.GatewayHook" to "G"

* Optional 'documentation' settings. Supply the files that would be desired to end up in the 'doc' dir of the
* assembled module, and specify the path to the index.html file inside that folder. In this commented-out
* example, the html files being collected are located in the module root project in `src/docs/`
// the files to collect into the documentation dir, with example implementation
// documentationFiles.from(project.file("src/docs/"))

/* The path from the root documentation dir to the index file, or filename if in the root doc dir. */
// documentationIndex.set("index.html")

* Optional unsigned modl settings. If true, modl signing will be skipped. This is not for production and should
* be used merely for development testing

Configure signing settings

Configure your signing settings, either in a file, or as commandline flags. The required properties are defined in constants.kt, and used in the SignModule task. You may mix and match flags and properties (and flags will override properties), as long as all required values are configured. The only requirement is that option flags must follow the gradle command to which they apply, which is the 'signModule' task in this case. The flags/properties are as follows, with usage examples:


Builds prior to v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-6 used a separate property file called Builds after that use files instead. entry
certAliasgradlew signModule --certAlias=someAliasignition.signing.certAlias=someAlias
certFilegradlew signModule --certFile=/path/to/certignition.signing.certFile=/path/to/cert
certPasswordgradlew signModule --certPassword=mysecretignition.signing.certFile=mysecret
keystoreFilegradlew signModule --keystoreFile=/path/to/keystoreignition.signing.keystoreFile=/path/to/keystore
keystorePasswordgradlew signModule --keystorePassword=mysecretignition.signing.keystoreFile=mysecret

Specify dependencies

When depending on artifacts (dependencies) from the Ignition SDK, they should be specified as compileOnly or compileOnlyApi dependencies as they will be provided by the Ignition platform at runtime. Dependencies that are applied with either the modlApi or modlImplementation Configuration in any subproject of your module will be collected and included in the final .modl file, including transitive dependencies.

In general, behaviors of the _modl_ configuration follow those documented by the Gradle java-library plugin (e.g. - publishing, artifact uploading, transitive dependency handling, etc). Test-only dependencies should NOT be marked with any modl configuration. Test and Compile-time dependencies should be specified in accordance with the best practices described in Gradle's java-library plugin documentation.



To see all tasks provided by the plugin, run the tasks gradle command, or tasks --all to see all possible tasks.

The module plugin exposes a number of tasks that may be run on their own, and some which are bound to lifecycle tasks provided by Gradle's Base Plugin. Some tasks apply only to the root project (the project which is applying the plugin), while others are applied to one or more subprojects. The following table is a brief reference:

collectModlDependenciesroot and child projectsResolves and collects dependencies from projects with the java-library plugin that marked with 'modlApi/modlImplementation' configuration
assembleModlStructureaggregates assets, dependencies and assembled project jars created by the 'collectModlDependencies' task into the module staging directory
writeModuleXmlroot projectWrites the module.xml file to the staging directory
zipModuleroot projectCompresses the staged module contents into an unsigned zip archive with a .modl file extension
checksumModlroot projectGenerates a checksum for the signed module, and writes the result to a json file
moduleAssemblyReportroot projectWrites a json file containing meta information about the module's assembly
signModlroot projectsigns the unsigned modl using credentials/certs noted above
deployModlroot projectdeploys the built module file to an ignition gateway running in developer module upload mode ˟

Developer mode

To enable the developer mode, add -Dia.developer.moduleupload=true to the 'Java Additional Parameters' in the ignition.conf file and restart the gateway.


This should only be done on secure development gateways, as it opens a significant security risk on production gateways, in addition to instabilities that may result from your in-development module.

Task Configuration

To configure properties of a task that are not directly exposed by the plugin configuration extension, you can use one of the withType() methods, which are nicely documented here.

For example, to set the host url for the development gateway being targeted by the "deployModl" task (which is of task class type Deploy):

// in the build.gradle.kts file where the module plugin is applied
tasks {
withType<io.ia.sdk.gradle.modl.task.Deploy> {

In groovy based buildscripts, the syntax is different, but the result is the same:

tasks.withType(io.ia.sdk.gradle.modl.task.Deploy).configureEach {
hostGateway = ""