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Add a Function

In the initial example, the multiply() function is defined under the AbstractScriptModule class. Let's add a simple function after line 27:
public String helloWorld(){
return "Hi there!";

That's it! We're ready to test it out. Build the module, install it, launch the designer, open the Script Console and try calling the function:

Our new function!
print system.example.helloWorld()

Adding Descriptions

We can use the @ScriptFunction annotation to denote where the descriptions for our function should be. We can add the annotation to our helloWorld() function:
@ScriptFunction(docBundlePrefix = "AbstractScriptModule")
public String helloWorld(){
return "Hi there!";

In this case, the docBundlePrefix argument states that the AbstractScriptModule properties file (also located under common) has the descriptions that should be used in conjunction with this function.

Next we need to actually write the descriptions. Open the file. You'll see the descriptions for the multiply() function:
multiply.desc=Multiple two integers and return the result.
multiply.param.arg0=The first operand.
multiply.param.arg1=The second operand.
multiply.returns=Returns the first operand multiplied by the second.

The notation here is the following:

  • desc is the description of the function
  • param.%argName% is the description for a particular argument
  • returns is the description for the return value

Our function does not accept any arguments, so we only have two entries to add to helloWorld():
helloWorld.desc=Returns a friendly greeting
helloWorld.returns=The string "Hi There!"

Build the module, upgrade the module on the Gateway, relaunch the Designer, and check the autocomplete popup. You should see your new descriptions.